Fahmi Sirma Pelu

A Writer and Researcher on Linguistics and Cultural Issues. Currently working as Communication Staff in Aquaculture Investment Startup. Willing to work in public relations, community development, and media industry

My Blog

The Dilemma of Indonesian Lecturer Research in the Time of Neoliberal Agenda

The presence of the neoliberal agenda has appeared a dilemma in the Indonesian research dynamics. Social conditions and government policy have been more oriented toward the market or state interests. The hope through professional and critical research tradition is considered fit to resolve the dilemma faced by the lecturer doing the research.

Since the end of Soeharto’s authoritarian regime, the neoliberal agendas have given a massive impact on the government’s institution. “It points out the p

The Political Buzzer’s Drone in the Gejayan Memanggil Strike

From 2014 to 2019 People’s Representative Council (DPR) decision to ratify the Corruption Eradication Commission Bill (RUU KPK) at the end of their term drew various reactions, both from the public and students. Controversial articles in the RUU KPK encourage students from various universities in Yogyakarta to initiate the Gejayan Memanggil movement by voicing seven demands.

The Gejayan Memanggil movement was attended by various elements united in Mobile People’s Alliance (ARB). This movement w

UGM Mental Health Service is in Limits

“I prefer seeing myself as a fighter to a survivor,” Bagus Santosa, a Faculty of Law Gadjah Mada University student, claimed. Until today, he is fighting their mental issues. Since August 2018, he has experienced the phenomenon that makes him feels weird and upset. The feelings make him hard to working productively and usually crying without any reason. He then decided to look for the expert because he was afraid of harming himself or anybody.

For the first time, Bagus tried to visiting the psy

Traditional Tattoo Value Distortion in the Trend of Neotribalism Style

Toxic, an identical word to bullying could encourage the establishment of Tatoo Studio in Bangunjiwo Sejahtera Street, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Munir, the founder, explained that he selected toxic as the studio’s name came from a context behind it. The toxic tattoo was established in June 2000 after the fall of Soeharto’s regime. Who could expect Munir and his roommate to develop the studio recklessly? It is a reasonable argument from Hatib Abdul Kadir Ollong, the author of Tato, that Toxic

Indonesian Government Priority Policy through Mitigating Pandemic Covid-19

Some countries apply any policy to mitigate pandemic Covid-19, and Indonesia prefers involving social and physical distancing. This policy has not been enough to reduce the spreading of the pandemic Covid-19, proven by the rapid growth of the positive cases. Mass test as the other approach needs to be applied along with considering Indonesian socio-economics problems and also medical instrument preparedness.

On March 9th, 2020, Italy’s Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, announced a national lockdo

Musim Menjagal: Melawan Narasi 1965 Orde Baru

Buku​ berjudul ​Musim Menjagal (2018) itu nampak berdiri tegak di atas meja, tepat di bagian paling depan ruang seminar Magister Administrasi Publik (MAP) UGM​.​ Dalam acara diskusi MAP Corner UGM pada Selasa (9/10) dihadirkan dua orang pembicara utama, yakni Yoseph Yapi Taum, dosen Fakultas Sastra Universitas Sanata Dharma, dan Najib Azca, dosen Sosiologi UGM, untuk membedah buku ​Musim Menjagal milik Geoffrey Robinson. ​Arif Novianto, moderator diskusi, memberi pengantar perihal buku yang dite

13 Tahun PPLP-KP Berjuang Melawan Tambang | Kilas

Tujuh orang anak berdiri berjajar di atas panggung, di samping tumpeng. Mereka datang dari beberapa desa di pesisir pantai Kulon Progo. Tumpeng dipotong dan dibagikan satu per satu kepada mereka. Hal ini dilakukan secara simbolik menandakan puncak acara perayaan hari ulang tahun Paguyuban Petani Lahan Pantai Kulon Progo (PPLP-KP) pada Minggu (31-03). Perayaan ulang tahun PPLP-KP yang ketiga belas ini disaksikan oleh ratusan masyarakat Karangsewu dan desa sekitarnya. Perayaan yang bertajuk “Berta

Upah Jogja yang Tidak Istimewa

Rabu (1/5), sekitar pukul 11.00 WIB, massa aksi peringatan Hari Buruh mulai memenuhi Jalan Malioboro. Mereka berasal dari Aliansi Rakyat Untuk Satu Mei (ARUS) dan Gerakan Rakyat Untuk Satu Mei (GERUS). Dalam aksi ini, mereka melakukan ​ long march dari Taman Parkir Abu Bakar Ali, menuju kantor DPRD dan kantor Gubernur Yogyakarta, sampai pada puncaknya di Titik Nol KM, mereka menyuarakan aspirasinya.

Beberapa serikat buruh yang tergabung dalam ARUS, antara lain Serikat Buruh Kerakyatan (SERBUK)

Mahasiswa Bangkit Merespon Persoalan Negeri

Lebih dari lima ribu massa yang tergabung dalam aksi bertajuk #GejayanMemanggil berbondong-bondong melakukan longmars menuju Pertigaan Gejayan di Jalan Affandi pada Senin (23-9). Massa aksi tersebut berasal dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di Yogyakarta. Selain dari Yogyakarta, terdapat sekitar 600 massa aksi dari Universitas Tidar Magelang dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang. Aksi digelar sejak pukul 11.00 sampai dengan pukul 17.00 WIB.

Sepanjang perjalanan, massa aksi terus menggaungkan yel-y

Terancam Omnibus Law, Buruh Nyatakan Sikapnya

Senin (9-3) massa aksi yang tergabung dalam Aliansi Rakyat Bergerak (ARB) menghelat aksi bertajuk “Rapat Rakyat, Mosi Parlemen Jalanan” untuk menolak omnibus law. Aksi yang dilancarkan di Pertigaan Gejayan ini diikuti oleh ribuan orang yang terdiri dari mahasiswa, buruh, kelompok studi, organisasi, dan Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat.

Dalam rilis kajiannya, ARB menganggap bahwa pemerintah tidak pernah memberikan transparansi informasi kepada masyarakat luas, khususnya kaum buruh, terkait rencana pem

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Email: fahmipelu22@icloud.com

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